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Omdat Reiki alles te maken heeft met energie en de interactie tussen 2 mensen vond ik het leuk om op op de Elias-site op te zoeken wat er eigenlijk gebeurt bij zoiets.
Het komt erop neer dat bij zo'n healing de energie die de Reiki-beoefenaar opwekt, gebruikt wordt door de ander om zijn/haar energie op zo'n manier te veranderen dat het hem/haar helpt. Natuurlijk zal degene die de energie gebruikt, wel de overtuiging moeten hebben dat zoiets op deze manier helpvol is.
Interessant vind ik de zin: "als je energie projecteert met verwachtingen, dan zal het niet helpvol zijn".
Los van dit alles ben ik van mening dat dit alleen werkt als anderen ervan overtuigd zjin dat zij zichzelf niet kunnen helpen maar anderen nodig hebben. In werkelijkheid kan iedereen zichzelf dus helpen, zonder dat iemand anders nodig is.
Session 1228, “Reiki, Energy Fields, and Energy Deposits”
BONNIE: Would you talk about what happens when I do Reiki, please? (Pause)
ELIAS: In what direction?
BONNIE: I would like to understand the phenomena. Is there energy moving?
BONNIE: Where is it coming from? How does that work?
ELIAS: You generate a concentration of energy. You incorporate your hands as your focal point and therefore you direct your energy to your focal point to allow you to concentrate energy in a stream, so to speak.
Now; in relation to other individuals, if they are expressing an agreement with you to be participating in an interaction in this manner, and dependent upon the expressed beliefs of the other individual, what occurs is you generate this concentration of energy, of your energy. You create this refined stream, so to speak, in directed energy, and the other individual receives that energy and allows a mergence of your energy and their own energy to be helpful to themselves to generate an alteration of energy expressions within themselves. Therefore yes, you are correct, there is quite a movement of energy.
BONNIE: And the source of that energy is from my own energy?
BONNIE: I see. Is it possible to send energy to someone at a distance?
ELIAS: Quite! It occurs continuously throughout your physical dimension. Individuals are CONSTANTLY moving energy. Physical distance matters not, for energy is not bound by space.
BONNIE: Is it helpful or healing to send energy, for example, to my father?
ELIAS: It is dependent upon your motivation. Individuals, as I have stated, do project energy constantly, and many times the projections that they express are helpful to other individuals. But if you are projecting energy genuinely, without a specific agenda, so to speak, the energy is received and allowed to be configured by the other individual in the most beneficial manner to themselves.
If you are projecting energy with expectations, it is not helpful.
BONNIE: I see. Can you tell me what I’m seeing when I see white light around people and objects? Am I creating this through my perception or are they radiating some form of energy that I’m seeing?
ELIAS: What you are viewing is the individual’s energy field.
Now; in this, you may also refine that action within yourself, for what you are viewing is the initial expression of an energy field. As you continue to allow yourself to concentrate your visual sense upon that energy field, you shall begin to view colors.
BONNIE: And what do the colors mean? When I look up and I see my son walk into the bedroom and I see green around his head, what does that mean? Is that a reflection of an energy center?
BONNIE: So, is that something his body is working on at that moment or...?
ELIAS: Not necessarily what you term to be “working upon,” but it is in the moment the most dominantly expressed energy center, which affects the energy field.
BONNIE: When I’m at a business meeting and I see the energy around a person get up and float over to another location in the room, is it really doing that...
BONNIE: ...or is that me moving that as I’m thinking about it?
ELIAS: No, it is actually occurring.
BONNIE: Are they transferring energy to another person then, or what does it mean?
ELIAS: Not necessarily. This action is quite common. This is an action of generating energy deposits.
The energy that each of you incorporates is limitless. But in this, the volume of energy that you generate is more than may be contained within your physical manifestation. Therefore, you are continuously generating energy deposits in space, so to speak. And what you allow yourself to view is an action of generating an energy deposit.
Now; there are times in which you may also allow yourself to view a mergence of energy of two or more individuals in which you shall view those energy fields coming together, so to speak, and intermingling with each other, which is also not uncommon.
BONNIE: And what am I seeing when I see the radiant blue and yellow edges on objects when I wear my glasses?
ELIAS: This also is an expression of an energy field.
BONNIE: Is there any significance to the coloring or the shading with those two colors all the time?
ELIAS: Objects generally do generate an energy field of these colors – not always, but generally. For objects are a configuration of consciousness that is different from that which you deem to be living, and in that configuration of the links of consciousness, the energy field that is radiated generally is expressed in merely these two colors. It is a vibrational quality.
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